SCNU Delegation Led by Party Secretary Binwei Wang Visited UoA

SCNU DelegationLed by Party Secretary Binwei Wang VisitedUoAOnNovember 22, Binwei Wang, Party Secretary of SCNU,led

SCNU Delegation Led by Party Secretary Binwei Wang Visited UoA

On November 22, Binwei Wang, Party Secretary of SCNU,led a delegation to UoA for educational cooperation and academic exchange. The delegation had meetings with UoA Principal George Boyne,Vice Principals Alan Speight, Ruth Taylor, Pete Edwards, and also relevant schools such as Business School, School of Natural and Computing Science, and the School of Engineering. During the visit, the SCNU delegation also paid a visit to the China’s Embassy in the UK and had a meeting with SCNU alumnus Zeguan Zheng, who is China's Ambassador to the UK.





