Aberdeen Institute Held the Scholar Lecture of Learning Strategies of EMI Course


Aberdeen Institute Held the Scholar Lecture of Learning Strategies of EMI Course

On the evening of November 22, Aberdeen Institute of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (hereinafter referred to as "Aberdeen Institute") invited Professor Shaoming Chai, Vice Dean of International Business College, to give the second lecture of Scholar Lecture, titled "Learning Strategies of EMI Course", in Classroom A209 of the Teaching Building at Nanhai campus. EMI refers to English as a Medium of Instruction. All 185 freshmen of Aberdeen Institute attended the lecture.


Professor Chai first put forward the concept of the EMI course, and vividly presented the problems and difficulties in the learning of the EMI course. By analyzing the requirements and characteristics of the EMI course, as well as the academic English learning, Professor Chai then introduced the learning strategies in the actual learning, and blend-learning method to the students.